Playing our part in ensuring the bright futures of America’s Young People

Through the power of performance, we create transformational opportunities for young people from poor and underserved communities in partnership with forward-looking caring adults and companies and build bridges between diverse communities. We’re shaping a more developmental America for all, together.

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Proven Results

All Stars’ Eight Dimensions of Development are at the heart of the ASP’s model and have been validated through rigorous evaluation by Southern Methodist University’s Center on Research and Evaluation (SMU CORE). These strengths and capabilities empower youth to be successful in both education and workplace situations and to fully participate in every aspect of society.

Expanding Our Impact

We recently launched the public phase of Becoming All Stars, a ten-year, $150 million national expansion campaign that began in 2018. The campaign mission is to provide 100,000 underserved youth with opportunities of a lifetime. Click here to learn more and join our campaign!

Want to transform lives? Partner with us.

We team up with businesses, schools and nonprofits to create real change. Through performance-based programs, we are reimagining afterschool activities, job training, and workplace inclusion. Click here and find out how you can help shape the future of youth development.

You Play a Key Role

Engage with us to empower young people to become All Stars in their communities.


Development School for Youth

In the Development School for Youth (DSY), young people ages 16 to 21 learn to perform as professionals, and they partner with business leaders across the country who conduct development workshops and provide paid summer internships at their companies.


All Stars Talent Show Network

The All Stars Talent Show Network (ASTSN) involves young people, aged 5–25, in performing and producing in talent shows, performance workshops and activities. All young people are welcome to participate, regardless of talent or experience level.


Operation Conversation: Cops & Kids

Operation Conversation: Cops & Kids (OCCK) is an innovative police–community relations program run by ASP in partnership with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the Newark Police Division (NPD). This award-winning program uses performance, improvisation and conversation to help inner-city teenagers and police officers build trust and improve their relationship.


Development Coaching

Development Coaching is a program that gives young adults aged 18 to 24 an opportunity to partner one-on-one with caring industry leaders to help guide and enhance their personal and professional development. Development Coaching matches young adults with volunteer coaches from coast to coast based on shared interests and experiences and provides training that supports both coach and coachee to learn from each other and grow together.


Operation Conversation

Operation Conversation, All Stars Project’s (ASP) newest bridge-building initiative, has been created to address the social and racial divides in America. In virtual and in-person workshops, adults aged 21 and above from diverse communities learn and perform with new tools that develop empathy, appreciation, active listening and curiosity skills. Using the power of performance, these workshops engage racism and promote healing in everyday life.


Performance Lab

The Performance Lab works with theatre artists and organizations across the country to produce and support cultural events and bridge-building activities that explore human conflict and social relations through the lens of performance—both on the stage and in life. Increasingly recognized as a powerful engine of development, performance is at the heart of the All Stars Project (ASP), where people of all ages and from all walks of life are supported to perform and experience new ideas, people and cultures as they learn and grow together.

Support a Person,
Lift a Community

With the support of caring people and innovative companies,
we can transform young people's lives.

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